
Posts in category Campaign

Cell Phone Swap

Cell Phone Swap

Most of you probably don’t know the very German term “Vorratsdatenspeicherung”, but you may all have heard about the dangerous habit of governments across Europe who create some absurd surveillance law to track the entire population. In Germany, we have a fairly powerful supreme court (the “Bundesverfassungsgericht”), who will then usually declare the law illegal, […]

Global Fake Data Day

Global Fake Data Day

Hello, I’m Anna Maria Mintsi-Scholze and I’m taking part in the Akkurater Widerstand. Why? Recently, I’ve opened an online shop and since then I’m really excited about what one can get going on the Internet. But what about the downside? All my businsess emails are being sent across the whole world, openly visible and readable […]

NSA Premium

NSA Premium

Hello, my name is Heinrich Strößenreuther. I am a former Greenpeace activist and currently engaged in an urban “pro bicycle”-campaign. Also I’m joining the Akkurater Widerstand and this is my contribution: Get your NSA-Premium-Account! Have you already heard of the “Tor browser”? If not: This is a tool that enables you to browse the internet […]

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